Chapter 20: The Vampire Pirate's Daughter by Lynette Ferreira

“It really didn’t mean anything. I was just so relieved to be out of that basement and to feel accepted. It felt as if a great burden fell from my shoulders because I wondered what everybody would say or was thinking after the night of the accident.”

He smiles slowly as if he understands my concerns and my explanations, and then he leans into me, just as I stand up. I will forever regret that moment when I did not stay sitting still and I would have felt his lips on mine, but I let that moment pass, unfortunately.

I ask, not wanting him to see the regret in my face, “Do you want to play Urbz?”

“Okay, that sounds like fun—no senseless killing game for you today?”

Casually I answer, feeling offended, “No, I keep killing to the real world. Are you honestly going to continue trying to offend me?”

“Once again, sorry. I am being spiteful because it feels after I confessed how I feel about you, there is this awkwardness between us. Not that we spoke much before the rescue, but I felt comfortable with you then, now it just feels embarrassing.”

Silently I put the disc into the gaming console, and I hand him his gaming control. Sitting down on the floor and leaning back into the couch, I say pleasantly, “Let’s just play. I’ll choose my character first.”

He slides down the couch and sits down next to me on the floor, pulling his knees up and rests his arms between his legs. He laughs softly. “Really? You are going to call yourself Simone?”

Smiling brightly, I turn to him. “Yes, and I think you should be Simon.”

We start the game as two individuals, we run off to work, we return home, clean puddles and build our homes filling it with furniture. The time passes quickly and somewhere in between living virtual lives, Amanda came in and said goodnight.

Later, I laugh. “Hey, keep your SIM away from me. I am already married here.”

He guffaws. “Ya, but look how much Simon loves Simone, he cannot stay away from her. Simone is breaking his heart.”

He guides his SIM closer to my SIM, and they lock into an embrace and then the screen goes blurry.

He says softly, “Don’t you just hate when that happens. Do they really have to hide the fun parts?”

I punch at him playfully, feeling uncomfortable, and then he leans into me. He puts his arm around my shoulders, and he pulls me closer to him. Softly he brushes his lips over mine and immediately I feel a warmness rush over me. He brings his hand up and then he gently holds his hand against my cheek, while kissing me with slow determination. It is the longest, most breath-taking kiss, I have ever experienced—my first real kiss. When he gently pulls away from me, he looks at me with a soft smile. Tenderly he says, “I know how I feel about you and I am really sorry for being jealous.”

We kiss again and soon after he says, outwardly frustrated, “I better leave, the sun will be up soon, and I have to make sure I am home before Carmine’s dad wakes up.”

He stands up and I follow him up from the floor. Together we walk to the door hand in hand, and then at the end of the driveway, on the verge, he turns to me and takes me into his arms. I reach up to him and he kisses me again.

He smiles. “Jeez, I cannot stop kissing you. As soon as one kiss ends, I have this compulsion to reach in for another.”

I laugh softly, embarrassed.

He sighs deeply. “I’ll see you again tomorrow night?”

I smile shyly. “I’ll be here.”

“Is nine too early?”

“No, it’s perfect.” I hear the song of the morning birds and then I laugh apologetically. “I better go inside as well. You know the sun and all of that.”

He smiles and then still holding my hand, he starts to walk away from me. He slowly, gently lets my hand go. My hand falls back to my side and I watch him until I cannot see him anymore. I go inside and walk straight to the basement.

I wait impatiently for night-time, and when it is almost nine o’clock, I walk out into our driveway and see him coming down the road from up the hill and he is pushing his motorbike.

Walking onto the verge of the road to meet him, I ask curiously, “And now?”

He laughs. “I sneaked out and I could not exactly start my bike in front of the house.” He stops in front of me and then pushes the stand out from under the bike, letting it lean onto the stand. He lets go of the handlebars and hands me a helmet, asking, “Suppose we went for a ride tonight?”

“I suppose that would be acceptable.”

He looks at me suddenly serious. “I don’t have a white horse, but I have this horse, and I would like to rescue you from the great treacherous villain, called Sir Boredom.”

I laugh loudly. “No seducing me with your SIM tonight?”

“Maybe later.”

I pull the elastic band from my hair and my red hair tumbles down onto my shoulders. I put the helmet on over my head and Andrew asks amused, “Aren’t you going to tell Amanda we are leaving?”

“Jeez. I was so excited, I completely forgot. Don’t go away, I’ll be right back.”

I run up the small lawn to the front door, sidestepping the Koi pond gracefully. I run into the house and call, “Amanda.”

Her voice comes from upstairs. “Here.”

Running up the stairs two at a time, I rush into her room. I see the sadness on her face, but I am too excited, and it does not really register at that specific moment.

I ask excitedly, “Can I please go with Andrew?”

Amanda looks at me absent-mindedly. “Yes, of course. Just be back before sunrise.”

Turning away from her, I run down the stairs and call out, “Thanks.”

When I get back to Andrew, he smiles. “That was fast.”

I reply jokingly, “I am fast – remember.”

Continue reading Chapter 21/23

Copyright © Lynette Ferreira. All Rights Reserved. 
All work created and posted on this blog is the intellectual property of Lynette Ferreira.


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