Chapter 9: The Vampire Pirate's Daughter by Lynette Ferreira

Amanda usually leaves all of this for the weekends, but this weekend we are going away. We are going hunting. We always go when there is a new moon, because then the night is pitch black, especially in the rural areas. This will be the first time we are hunting in this area, but it adds to the excitement. In a year or so, it will be commonplace and boring again.

I ask, “You called me?”

“Oh, just to chat. Were you busy?”

I grunt, “No, not really.”

Amanda asks without looking up. “How is school?”

“Stupid question!”

Amanda laughs exuberantly. “It sounds as if you are having problems with the humans?”

I reply stubbornly, “This one boy and I are having a difference of opinion. He seemed like such a goody-two-shoes, but today he just stormed out of the class. I also learned his father is the principle and trust me that man is scary, even to me.”

“So, this boy is a rebel without a clue?”

I laugh with her, although this has completely changed my perception of Andrew. It makes me want him more.

I GET DRESSED comfortably in black jeans and a black jumper. We will be leaving from our house and now we are waiting for Ethan to arrive.

Ethan has liked me for as long as I can remember, but there is something about him makes me feel uncomfortable – small, little things which get in the way of me liking him. At times, I would think, I could grow to like him, but then he would say or do something silly, insignificant, and that would change my mind. Shayne and Amanda always try to include Ethan in our hunts, because they are looking for a mate for me. In moments when they felt serious, they would wonder what would happen to me if something ever happened to them. According to them, Ethan would be the best replacement for them.

He is twenty-one years old and not a half-blood like me. He turned the same way as Amanda and Shayne, and they have skin like marble. They are rock hard and if you walked into them by accident, it could knock you backwards, it would be like walking into a brick wall. However, I have a certain degree of softness to me, but I am not as squishy as humans are and to the uninformed, I would just seem well defined and muscle toned.

There is a knock at the door, and I walk to it, calling into the house, “I’ll get it.”

I open the door and the porch light illuminates him. He has his dark hair coiffed up over his forehead and his dark hazel eyes look broodingly at me.

His eyes sparkle when he says, “Good Evening, beautiful Susanna.”

“Hi, Ethan.” He is utterly adorable and absolutely gorgeous, but I always feel awkward in his presence even though we have known each other forever. I know he likes me, but he has a new girlfriend almost every week, mortal or immortal, makes no difference to him and I am looking for a lasting relationship, not something fleeting. I want to experience the feeling of unconditional love, a feeling I have searched for forever. If I had a romance with Ethan, he would get bored with me too quickly and there are those little things which irritate me, things I would not be able to live with for the rest of forever-more.

“Come in, Ethan. Why are you just standing there?”

He smiles handsomely. “I thought we would be leaving as soon as I get here.”

I sigh exasperatedly. “You know Shayne. He has these little habits and rituals. Just come in, don’t just stand there.”

He walks past me as I stand aside.

I turn and close the door behind us. I walk into the house behind Ethan and I turn to him by the stairs. “Amanda and Shayne will be here now.” I point to the lounge. “You can go and sit down so long.”

I walk up the stairs to my room. I usually wait in my room, while the ‘grown-ups’ have an alcoholic beverage before we leave. Listening to a CD, while sitting on my bed, I page through a magazine.

My door opens softly, and I turn my head to the sound. The words, “I am coming,” freeze on my lips when I see Ethan walking into my room.

He smiles and although I honestly do not want it to affect me, it does. Smiling seductively, he comes to a stop in front of me and he holds his hand out to me.

I take his hand while looking up at him and he pulls me up from the bed gently. Once I am standing in front of him, he does not move away. He drops his head closer to mine and with lightning speed, his hand is holding my head closer to his. He softly lets his lips glide over mine.

Holding his lips close to mine, he asks softly, “When will you be mine?”

I pull away from him, frowning. “Never.”

He laughs softly. “Why never?”

I turn away from him dismissively and walk to my cupboard to get my trench coat.

Staring at me thoughtfully, he asks, “Are you ready?”

I smile friendly, although I do not feel it. “I am coming. Do I have a choice?”

We walk out to the car together and Ethan sits with me in the back of Shayne’s car. We drive past Carmine’s house and I see the party which was supposed to have been at Andrew’s house is now at her house. I see all the kids, my age in appearance, and I feel despondent I could not join them after all. However, I feel the demon rise in me when I look at them and I can imagine sinking my teeth into their soft, young skins, so I look away.

As if Ethan can hear my thoughts, he folds his hand over mine on my leg. He squeezes my hand softly. I look at him sideways and a soft smile is playing on his lips. He whispers, “I do not know why you waste your time with them.” His eyes look over my shoulder at the group of teens standing on the pavement.

Continue reading Chapter 10/23

Copyright © Lynette Ferreira. All Rights Reserved. 
All work created and posted on this blog is the intellectual property of Lynette Ferreira.


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