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Chapter 5: William the Damned by Lynette Ferreira

THE FULL MOON rises above the tops of the trees as William stands within the shadows along the boundary of the château. He presses his palm against the trunk of the tree and he feels every crack and splinter as it pushes into his flesh. He stares up at her window and he sees her shadow fall across the curtaining. She brushes her hair away from her forehead as she stands by the window when she pulls open the curtains. The perfect square on the lawn under her window goes black as she blows out the gaslight in her room. William watches for countless seconds as the breeze flirts with the lace curtaining in front of the window. Then, when he knows she should be asleep, yet deep within, he wishes she might still be awake, he walks across the lush green grass silently.

He grips his fingers into the plaster covering the bricks and he pulls himself up against the wall until he reaches her window on the second floor. Peering into her room, looking for movement and happy to find everything silent, he pulls his leg across the sill and quietly he climbs through the window into her room. Nobody needs to invite him in, because he used to be a frequent visitor here, a very long time ago.

He walks across the room toward her bed and looks down at her sleeping face. If there were any breath in this body, her exceptional beauty would have taken it away.

Slowly he rests his knee on her bed. The bed inches down, and fearfully he remains standing still in silence because he did not want her to wake up. She appears restless and he wonders if he ever crosses her mind. Did she think about him as often as he thought about her?

Silently William lies down next to her.

He was not going to come here, but he could not help himself. They anchored the boat off the coast of France, just beyond Calais and he came cross-country to be here. No one on the ship knows where he is, except Charlotte.

He freezes when she moves closer to him, and then she wraps her arm around his waist. He does not move a muscle, and when her breathing becomes rhythmic again, he snuggles down into her embrace.

He made sure he fed before he came here. Actually, he came to feed on her, because he thought if he killed her, she would stop haunting him, but when he considered her shocked eyes when she suddenly found him standing in front of her on the dance floor, he knew he could never kill her.

Looking at her, he knows nothing could have protected him against her that night they met. The night she pounded her fists fearfully against his chest and she thought he was only a pirate. Before she knew he was her worst nightmare, the night he fell in love with her. As he looked at her that night, he could hear the blood rushing through her veins. He wanted her in a way unimaginable. When she told him about Francois, an irrational jealousy filled him. Obnoxious, hateful and detestable Francois. William could not believe Susanna was betrothed to him, that she was promised to him. Now, while he holds her in his arms, he knows he will protect her no matter what comes his way.

Susanna moves closer into him and her hand folds in under his waist. He feels her warm body against his, her flesh moulding itself alongside his. Susanna opens her eyes, murmurs his name and goes back to sleep.

When he feels the silent moment before daybreak, he lets her go and stands up from her bed quietly. When he reaches the window, he turns back to her sleeping figure on the bed, and he knows no matter where he is, he will always love her and for her, he will sacrifice everything.

He jumps from the windowsill and lands on his feet gently and is down in the wine cellar of the château before the sun breaks through the layer of night. He creeps into one of the empty tunnels in the cellar, where there is no evidence of recent activity. Making himself comfortable on the floor, he leans his back against the cold wall made of stone. He knows he would not be able to sleep because thoughts of Susanna will keep him occupied, as they always do.

SUSANNA WAKES UP refreshed and once the servant girl has helped her to get dressed, she goes down to breakfast. Francois is already there waiting for her and he looks as handsome as he always does. He is wearing a billowing, crisp white shirt, tucked loosely into black drawers. The top buttons are undone and the shirt hangs loosely around his shoulders. He is wearing shiny black riding boots which come up to his knees. His dark hair is ruffled and Susanna notices the faint lines under his brilliant green eyes. He avoids looking or speaking to her.

After eventually falling asleep the night before, Francois woke up early this morning and took his horse at a gallop across the fields. He felt embarrassed and wished there was a way he could erase the night before when he unwisely humiliated Susanna in front of the servants. He loved her and he wanted her to love him because she wanted to, not because she felt she had to.

After breakfast, they go for a walk as they do every day. Susanna enjoys the feel of the warm sun on her shoulders. She drinks in the colours of her surroundings. Francois had not offered Susanna his arm as he always does and she feels uncomfortable walking next to him silently.

When they have walked a distance away from the château, Francois turns to Susanna. She stops walking and turns to him, looking up at him inquiringly.

Francois reaches for her and tenderly he takes her hand in his. Softly he says, “I am so sorry about last night. I should not have kissed you like that in front of the servants, but you must understand I love you. This marriage for me will not be one of convenience.”

Susanna drops her eyes and she hears Francois say, “I have known William for a long time. I have not seen him in many years and last night I was surprised to see him dancing with you. The way he was looking at you brought back unanticipated memories. I am sincerely sorry.”

Susanna smiles up at him kindly. “I am sorry you got that impression, but I assure you I have never met William prior to last night.”

Francois seems relieved. He takes her hand and folds it into the crook of his arm. He keeps his hand softly over hers, as they continue their walk. Francois starts to discuss his expansion plans for the château in the future.

Although Susanna accepts his apology, she could never accept his behaviour. She wonders how Francois knows William, but she does not have the courage to ask, knowing instinctively he would not be willing to discuss it with her.

Later during the afternoon, Francois and Susanna sit companionably in the drawing room, reading with the sun falling softly through the large windows.

He breaks the silence, “We will have to start making plans for our wedding in the summer. Shall I leave everything to you and your mother?”

Smiling sweetly at him across the empty space between them, she answers, “My mother loves to plan huge and expensive parties.”

“Yes, no expense will be spared. It will be perfect.”

He lifts the book he is reading up to his face again and from the corner of her eye, Susanna watches him. He has been so kind toward her and her mother. She remembers the feeling of dread she had when her mother first told her she had arranged this wedding and now how different she felt. She could feel the love Francois has for her whenever she is near him. The night before when she felt humiliated, she could hardly blame him for being jealous, after seeing William dance with her. Even she saw the way William looked at her, with hunger in his eyes. Although she was sure Francois did not know the truth about William, because then surely, he would not have allowed him into his home. The hunger in William’s eyes was certainly only because he wanted to drink her blood, it could not have been anything else. Once again, she wonders how Francois and William know each other.

After dinner, Francois walks Susanna up to her room and then he gently takes her into his arms. There are no servants near them, they are all downstairs, so he leans down to her and then he kisses her softly and demurely on her lips.

He moves his lips to her neck and against her ear, he whispers, “Invite me in.”

Susanna laughs embarrassed. “I could not do that. It would be improper.”

He smiles amused. “We will be married in a few short months; I love you so how could it be improper?”

“Lord Francois,” Susanna says good-humouredly. “You might have been married twice before, but I have not. I would like to ensure when you take me on our wedding night, you know I am only yours, for always.”

Francois sighs deeply. “It is with great anticipation I wait for you, my lady.”

Bowing, while bringing her hand to his face, he brushes them softly with his lips. “Have a good night, Susanna.”

“Good night, Francois.”

Susanna turns and opens the door to her room.

The servant girl is waiting for her and then helps her out of her dress. Susanna pulls her nightgown over her head and then she helps the girl pull the clips from her hair. The girl brushes her long hair and soon after her hair is hanging shiny down her shoulders, the girl leaves the room quietly.

Susanna walks to the window to look out at the night sky and to close it against the cool breeze. She usually leaves it open at night, but there is a chill in the air tonight.

The hand on her mouth stops the scream before it leaves her lips.

In front of her, in her room, is William. He looks down at Susanna and whispers cruelly, “That was a very romantic scene outside the door between you and Francois.”

Susanna frowns and then pulls her face away from his hand which is still resting on her lips. “What do you want?” Susanna whispers angrily.

William laughs softly, bitter. “You are not happy to see me?” He continues harshly, “Has Francois already bought you with jewels and the promise of sunlight?”

Susanna gasps. “He has not bought me!”

“I can also give you all the jewels your heart could ever desire.”

Susanna replies spitefully, “But, not sunlight.”

She sees the pain reflected in his eyes as he turns to the window and before Susanna can stop herself, she moves closer to him. She gently wraps her hand around his wrist. Softly, barely audible she says, “No, stay. Please.”

He turns to face Susanna and after looking into her eyes pensively for a moment, he folds his arms around her. He holds onto her tightly and even though she knows she should not be standing here in his arms; she has an indescribable yearning for his touch. She must have imagined it because he has no need for air, but she feels him sigh deeply and she does not want him to let go of her, ever.

“Are you going to kill me now?” Susanna asks defiantly against his concrete chest.

She feels him laugh softly against her cheek, and he insists, “Never.”

“Are you not hungry?”

“I fed before I came here tonight.”

The thought of him killing another person, drinking their blood sends shivers down her spine. She feels revulsion thrust up into her chest, but she pushes it back down.

She asks, smiling against his chest, “So, if you did not feed before you came here, you would kill me?”

Her heart swells with the sound of his soft laughter.

He says adamantly, “Never.”

He lets her go gently. They sit down on her bed, across from each other and softly they talk. He explains how after they left the island with her on it, they continued pirating for a while. He then convinced his crew to come on a European plundering spree. They anchored the boat off the northern coast of France.

After a while, Susanna asks curiously, “How did you become a vampire?”

He smiles desolately. “I did not become a vampire. I was regrettably born a vampire. My dad is a vampire, although I have never met him, but he must be roaming the earth somewhere. My mother was the Lady Helga and from the stories I have heard, she was the prettiest girl in Germany. She fell pregnant out of wedlock after she met my father and when I was born, she died – an unfortunate consequence.”

Inquisitively Susanna asks, “So, how long have you lived?”

William thinks for a while and he considers telling her the truth would be unfathomable for her. He did not want to repulse her, so he answers, “Longer than I care to remember. The years mesh into each other and it just becomes one long night.”

Boldly Susanna asks, “Who is the girl on the ship with the red hair?”

His eyes avoid hers when he says, “She found me not long after my eighteenth birthday, my last official birthday and we have been together ever since.”

Susanna feels the smallest twinge of jealousy. “How did you come to know her?”

“When I turned eighteen, I started feeling gravely ill, and I stopped eating. I could not bring myself to put food in my mouth, so I grew weak and developed a fever. The doctor told my grandparents I would not survive the night. That night, Charlotte came to my bedside and she let me drink blood from her wrist. When she bit herself and I smelt her blood, I felt an immense lust and when she held her arm in front of my mouth, I drank greedily. The first moment I tasted her blood, I could see clearly. I felt immediately stronger and I knew without any uncertainty the rumours I heard between the servants was true – I was descendant from a vampire. That night I ran away with Charlotte, because I knew I would never fit in with normal people again, and I have never looked back.”

“So how old would you be in human years?”

He says evasively, “I am eighteen years old.” He did not want to tell her the exact years.

“Do you enjoy being a vampire?”

“No. Of course not…” He hesitates. “Maybe…” He smiles bashfully. “Sometimes.”

William smiles sadly when Susanna looks at him shocked after his honest reply.

However, Susanna continues, “So, if not for Charlotte, you would have died, and no-one would have known you were actually a half-blooded vampire?”

“Yes. I suppose it was like a germ in my blood which stayed dormant. When I then turned the right age, I suspect, it woke up and then it took over the human me.”

“Do you not hate Charlotte for doing this, for condemning you to be a vampire and only living under the night sky?”

“No, I do not feel condemned. Sometimes it can be monotonous, but we are very inventive and people and times change, so it remains interesting.”

The birds outside the window start their morning song and he gets up to leave. “I have to go. You know the sunlight and all of that.”

Susanna smiles dejectedly but stands up with him politely. He puts his arms around her waist.

Although she knows she should move away from him, she stays standing in his embrace and when he leans down and puts his lips against hers, she parts them immediately. She softly traces her tongue against his and she smiles when she hears him groan. She revels in the sweet taste of him and she pulls herself closer to him. Pulling herself up, she twines her fingers through his hair.

William suddenly growls softly as he pushes her away from him abruptly. He jumps through the open window and into the pre-dawn before Susanna can realise what has happened. He wanted to stay with her, but he felt the soft music of dawn, the few moments before the first rays of sun streaks across the morning sky. Already he stayed too long and he reached the cellar seconds before daybreak.

Susanna sits down on her bed, holding her fingertips against her smiling, warm lips as the sun rises.

She falls asleep blissfully, her fingers pressed against her lips softly and when she wakes up, the sun is high in the sky. Guilty she realises she had missed having breakfast with Francois as well as their early morning walks after breakfast.

She dresses hurriedly and she rushes the servant girl impatiently. When she eventually gets downstairs, Francois is in the drawing room and he greets her friendly when she walks into the room.

She sits down on her usual chair and then waits as the servant pours her a cup of tea.

When she leans back into the chair with the cup of tea in her hand, Francois motions to the servant to leave the room.

Francois turns to Susanna, and seriously, he asks, “Susanna, what happened the night The Majestic was attacked?” He could not stop wondering and it was eating at him. He needed to know the truth. The way William looked at Susanna the night of the ball, he knows, as if he was there personally, William saved Susanna.

Susanna catches her breath softly, but she answers confidently, “The Majestic was not attacked. It caught fire and everybody abandoned ship.”

He laughs sourly. “I know the ship was pirated and I know it was at night. It was William. I told you I have known him for years. Why are you lying to me?”

Shocked Susanna looks at him. She desperately looks for answers, without having to admit to lying. “I must have forgotten what actually happened. I remember having dinner with the Captain and then I remember waking up and looking at the welcome face of my mother. I am sorry, the details in between are lost to me.”

Francois looks at her and Susanna feels as if his green eyes can see the web of lies she is spinning.

He suddenly asks, “Is he still here?”

“No, why would he be?”

“I saw the way he looked at you. I have seen that look in his eyes before.”

Curiously, Susanna cannot stop herself, she asks, “What do you mean, you have seen it before?”

Francois answers dismissively, “Let’s not spoil this day with talk of William.”

“Of course,” Susanna replies decorously, not wanting to pursue the issue when it clearly makes him angry.

“I think we should go to Paris for a few days. You could choose some fabrics for your wedding dress and perhaps you could get some ideas for the wedding.”

“That sounds exciting,” Susanna says with a smile, although she does not want to leave the château now that William is here. She feels a small twinge of guilt because she can feel her love for William in the essence of whom she is. What she feels for William can never be denied, and if denied would kill her slowly.

Anne walks into the room. As custom would have it, her mother is supposed to chaperone her whenever she is with Francois, but her mother leaves her alone with him often.

Francois tells Anne about his desire to go to Paris and immediately Anne starts to make plans.

Susanna only listens half-heartedly. She cannot help but wonder how William and Francois knew each other. She hoped she would see William again, so she could ask him because she knows she would never be able to discuss it with Francois. Francois liked to keep his thoughts to himself.

Continue reading Chapter 6/10

Copyright © Lynette Ferreira. All Rights Reserved. 
All work created and posted on this blog is the intellectual property of Lynette Ferreira.
